Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 7, 2014

Top 5 Android apps to improve your sex life

If your sex life is unfavorable, or are facing difficulties in reaching the "other half" of her, please refer to the top 5 Android apps to improve your sex life below.


iKamasutra Lite

iKamasutra app comes from electronic guidebooks sex of the Hindus. Basically, it will show a lot of different postures relations, including text and accompanying illustrations follow. In addition, the ability to monitor the intensity, frequency, and time relations are built. An interesting feature of iKamasutra is the clip position on the relationship, however this feature is only available in the paid version only.

Kamasutra top 5 Android apps to improve your sex life

On the Android, most apps have been involved in "sex" has a poor interface and less investment, however with everything iKamasutra the complete opposite. The icons, buttons, layout is arranged very orderly and neat, in addition it also includes the share button to Facebook or Twitter too, very interesting.

Sex dices

This is one of those applications is simple and easy to use. Just enter your name and the name of the "person" continued to roll dice to see results. In addition, you can also choose another age. There are a few interesting results will be displayed, such as "Tom would kiss on the right cheek Kristin in front of the class in 1 hour", or the like that result.

sex dices top 5 Android apps to improve your sex life

Sex dices simply just one game, and you and "he" would be the ones getting unexpected results from Sex dices.

Secret Vibrator For Girls

With a title like that, so many people have implicit effects of the application, right? Basically, the application will use the smartphone to adjust the vibration of the right vibration. There are many different levels, such as: slight vibration, strong vibration, or high intensity.

Secret vibe for girls - top 5 Android apps to improve your sex life

Interestingly, applications also require you to import photos, video, location of "person" in before use. In fact, I do not know what this "implied" anything anymore.

Couple Sex Game

Probably programmers invented this game has problems with English grammar, but let's leave it aside.Basically Couple Sex Game is a dice game, besides import rules themselves, you have to enter all of the standards themselves before joining the game.

couple sex game - top 5 Android apps to improve your sex life

During play, the game will randomly assign the task for you and perform the same person. The interesting thing is you have to adjust the principles set out if they want to continue to travel with her ​​other half. If not adjusted, the game's difficulty level will increase, and you keep playing hard to get.


Finally Tinder applications, this is a new application that emerged recently. It helps you find the other half of his life after only a single button press. Basically, Tinder will be based on your current location to list the other users are using Tinder location near you. And if two people agree on the choice of the remaining half, Tinder will display a message that says "objects" have their consent already.

Tinder - top 5 Android apps to improve your sex life

Now, you can chat with the audience and schedule a date later if desired. I must say, Tinder is one of the best dating app today. And the number of Vietnamese people use also is increasing.


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